
While we hope you never need a tooth extraction, if you find yourself in this situation, you want to be confident that you’re in the right hands.


Here at Mont Belvieu Dental, our entire team is kind and compassionate, while also possessing the skills to get the job done right. We are committed to your comfort throughout the procedure and offer sedation options as needed. Whether you have a baby tooth that needs to be removed to make room for the permanent tooth or decay has caused extensive damage and the tooth needs to be pulled, we promise to take the time to know your concerns, to get the job done correctly and never make you feel judged. After a tooth is removed, you may need a replacement tooth in order to protect against the shifting of neighboring teeth and the complications with jaw functioning that can result. Our highly trained dentists will guide you in determining the best plan for you and your smile!

Don't let your family's teeth control when you end up at the dentist.

Let's take the best care of the smiles most important to you.